PPOE Support
PPOE is a relatively new technology being used by quite a few DSL providers. It stands for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. The R9100 supports PPOE providing you are running v4.6+ of the firmware.

This router has everything you could possibly need for a small/medium business router. Netopia obviously spent time ensuring this product had the features to distinguish it from the other competitors. The performance test revealed a router which performs extremely well. The included hub performs well also, but is still slower than a switch. There are two price points for the R9100 router a 12 user version and an unlimited user version. The price for the 12 user version is $519.14 and the unlimited user version is $599.43 at CDW.com. Many of you are going to gawk at this price, but remember this router is targeted for business use not 2 people playing quake :). Again, this product is for a small to medium business application. If you are the average home-user who wants to get two or three machines on the Internet and have some seriously fast gaming sessions, look into the Linksys EtherFast. Netopia's target market here is the business community, and the top-quality R9100 fits into that market like a glove.

Editor's Choice Silver Award

For attention to detail, performance, and a feature set that's outstanding we award the R9100 router with the Silver Medal award.
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