Construction — Under the Hood

Since this notebook is produced by FIC, we will skip the majority of the “under the hood” section, as the only significant change has been from a tan PCB to a green PCB. Read the original FIC Centrino — Under the Hood for more information.

The only significant differences are the processor speed, hard drive, and memory configuration. From the top of the list, the G-MAX NB-1401 comes in five available Pentium-M processor configurations, from 1.3GHz to 1.7GHz. Our system was configured specifically to reflect Gigabyte’s SKUs in North America, and we got a Pentium-M 1.4GHz due to this. At the moment, we do not know if Gigabyte will limit the CPU configuration for North America.

Click to enlarge.

While the 855PM can support up to 2GB of memory, our system was outfitted with 512MB, which we suspect will be the standard configuration for the North American market. This is due to the heavier memory applications that tend to be used domestically, and the popularity of multi-tasking.




Click to enlarge.


Click to enlarge.

The hard drive used in the FIC Centrino laptop that we saw a while back used a Fujitsu MHS2030AT 30.0GB 4200RPM hard drive. We noted back then that use of a 5400RPM would be preferred or at least, the option for this. However, we are not aware of any configuration from Gigabyte that uses a 5400RPM hard drive. Our Gigabyte G-MAX NB-1401 uses a Toshiba MK4021GAS 40.00GB 4200RPM, and Gigabyte lists on their product page that the NB-1401 can come with hard drives from 20.0GB to 80.0GB. Since Gigabyte is still working out configurations for the North American market, concrete details on hard drive options for this market were not available.

Click to enlarge.


Construction - Build, Appearance, Size (continued) Features - Software
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  • DerProfi - Thursday, July 15, 2004 - link

    My biggest beef with Gigabyte is that their RMA & support process totally sucks. Ever try getting warranty service from them? It's painful. There are no 800-numbers to call, no easy way to track the status of your RMA, and when you return your busted product to them (at your own expense) you have to include a check to cover their return shipping charges! I think I'll stick with IBM for my notebook needs.
  • Alt - Saturday, September 27, 2003 - link

    I noticed on the Gigabyte site that they appear to have no US resellers.
  • Alt - Saturday, September 27, 2003 - link

  • artifex - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 - link

    two things:

    1) "If you are looking for a compliment to your daily personal computer" - you mean complEment?

    2) "This is more of a matter of semantics, and while we are talking in Chinese, we would prefer the Chinese term of 'swai', which translates to 'cool, hip, with-it', as well as other connotations." - maybe it's the sort of thing where it's not really cool if it calls itself cool?
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

    "The big difference is the top of the laptop, which features the Chinese character equivalent of 'extreme.'"

    And so a new saying was born: The weird squiggly thing is for XTREME!

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